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Frequently Asked Questions

Customized Product Disclaimer

You are ordering a customized product. As a customer of our site, it is important for you to remember that you are ordering a customized product. This means that the images and type you place on your product will be printed exactly as you specify them. Therefore, it is important that you double check these elements for accuracy before submitting an order.

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Can I try your site out without being obligated to buy?

Absolutely! In fact we invite you to try our site out. There is no obligation on your part until you actually submit your order. If you are not sure that you can find what you looking for, trying making some test products with our site. There is no obligation on your part. If you like what you see and choose to purchase something, just register with us and submit your order.

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Can I convert a quote to an order through the website?

Yes – This is the newest feature to the website. Click the “Recent Quotes” link from the distributor home page. This will bring up a list of all of your active quotes. You will be able to click the "Place Order" link and submit this quote as an order.

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Which file type should I submit for a custom label order?

We are able to accept many file types. We prefer to receive EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files, but will also accept PDF (Portable Document Format) files. See our Artwork Guidelines for additional information.

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